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21 Day Fast Of Daniel

From September 20 to October 11

In the past, God spoke on various occasions and in different ways. He used dreams, visions and prophecies to convey His will to His dedicated and righteous servants. Through His Son Jesus, He not only confirmed old prophecies, but also announced the coming of the Kingdom of God and how to take possession of it.

After His death, resurrection and ascension, the Lord Jesus sent the Helper to continue the work of bringing salvation.

Nowadays, the Spirit of God continues to speak, but not by dreams, visions or prophecies. He speaks through His Word – the Holy Bible. So, the question is: Why did He give us the gift of prophecy?

“But he who prophesies speaks EDIFICATION and EXHORTATION and COMFORT to men.” (I Corinthians 14:03)

As you can see, the gift of prophecy is not to foresee or predict anyone’s future. Its purpose is to edify, exhort and comfort the Church. How does the Holy Spirit speak? How can you be sure it’s His voice? How can you be sure you’re not being deceived by other voices? There’s only one way to be sure: By being born of water and the Spirit, obtaining His Divine nature and the power to understand His Word. Only those who are born of the Spirit are able to recognize when His Spirit speaks to them through the Bible. Have you noticed how many Christians (born of the flesh) have been deceived by the spirit of the antichrist because of biblical interpretations!

We can see what kind of relationship exists between the Father and the Son, when Jesus said: “No one knows the Son except the Father. Nor does anyone know the Father except the Son, and the one to whom the Son wills to reveal Him.” (Matthew 11:27)

When the Holy Spirit’s voice, guidance or inspiration comes from the Word of God, its listener is left with no room for doubts. Especially, when it’s His children. The problem is that their ears aren’t always attentive and ready to hear His voice.

God speaks. He speaks to His children and to others as well. He speaks through His written Word. He speaks through His true servants, while they’re preaching (prophecy) the Gospel. He also uses the opportunity to speak to us when we’re dealing with our everyday problems. His sweet gentle voice speaks loud and clear, when we find ourselves in the desert. The more alone we feel, the louder and clearer He speaks.

When you separate yourself from your family, friends and coworkers’ polluted words and when you disconnect yourself from the audiovisual pollution of television, Internet, radio, newspapers and magazines, your full attention can be focused towards hearing God’s voice. The audiovisual pollutions of this world have been the greatest enemy of God’s voice.

That’s why we’ll have the 21-day fast of Daniel, beginning on Sunday, September 20, for those who want to receive the Spirit of God and experience a complete revival. During this fast, those taking part will abstain from all kinds of audiovisual entertainment and focus their thoughts only on what comes from above.

Are you ready?

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