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Fast of Daniel sixteenth day

BODY - Task

Exercise even if you don't feel like it. Keep it up during this final week.


"Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them..." (Matthew 7:12)

Task: Do you need to apologise to anyone? Do it today!


Meditate on this passage - Hebrews 10: 19-25

Enter the Holy of Holies.

No human offering or action could achieve the high privilege of entering the Heavenly Sanctuary. Few men were able to enter the Holy of Holies on earth - only the high priest had this privilege.

To represent the multitude that were outside the Sanctuary, he carried twelve stones that represented the twelve tribes of Israel on his breastplate.

The access that had never been given to anyone, not even to the prophets that were highly regarded by God, was now granted to everyone through the Blood of the Lord Jesus.

Contrary to the fear that was once felt when approaching the Sanctuary because of the holiness of the place, in the New Covenant, we are encouraged to have boldness.

Therefore, we can boldly come before the Throne of the Most High, having confidence that the Blood of His beloved Son has forgiven, justified and sanctified us.

Task: DIVORCE the world and its practices once and for all. If you have done this, continue sanctifying your life; stay away from the pollution of this world.

In the morning and in the evening, consecrate the ring you will wear on the 23rd of August 2020 - The Marriage of the Lamb.

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